Thursday 22 March 2012

The heart of the matter

Went for my first post-angioplasty check-up to the cardiologist today up at the Queen Margaret hospital. Its a long walk from our house, but it was such a beautiful early spring day - cloudless, windless and mildly warm - that I decided to walk it. Anyway, I'm so tight I'll basically walk anywhere just to save a few quid. Must admit I was pretty tired by the time I'd hoofed it up that final hill into the hospital grounds, so much so that I sat on a step in the car park for about ten minutes to get my breath back. I finally went in to see the consultant and really needn't have bothered. He didn't even test me other than to take my blood pressure after I'd told him it seemed a bit low. As I suspected, this was because of the post-operation Bisoprolol tablets I've been on and he told me I can stop taking them immediately. And that was that! Honestly, we could have done it by phone or even email. Reminds me of my old job, trying to get hospitals to change their outdated consultation practices.

Anyway I walked all the way home too, though via a shorter route and then sat out on the lower decking for awhile enjoying the evening sunshine. This decking, which has been largely useless up to now because of the trees that used to screen it from sunshine, will really come in to its own now. It even stops us being on display from the back road (once we sit down that is).

Two days and not a penny spent! music to a misers ears!

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